In 2013, Lemon Tree Productions co-produced the short drama Not Another Word (also titled Women Girls Lead), a film written & directed by Cherien Dabis.
When a free-spirited Arab American woman receives word of a distant cousin’s marriage proposal, she and her family laugh it off at first. But the conversation takes a serious turn, and she finds herself struggling to get her conservative mother and traditional grandmother to understand that marriage isn’t at all for her.
Cherien Dabis on making Not Another Word: “People tend to believe that censorship emanates from the state. Few stop to think about the ways in which it also touches our daily lives, particularly the lives of women. Having witnessed and experienced how language is often used to silence and pressure women into suppressing their individuality and succumbing to familial and societal pressures, I decided to explore this idea in Not Another Word. Censorship starts at home.”
Check out the website and Facebook page of Not Another World and view the film below: